Thursday, May 27, 2010

Man is it hot outside.....

Happy Day, O Happy Day!!!! :) Today, I was off work! O Happy Day O Happy Day!!!! I spend most of the morning straightening up the house, washing a few clothes, etc. Mike and I went to lunch together as we usually do when I am off work and the little one is at school :) !! I decided that I would run outside today with Mike before we went to get Michael Robert. Mike and I LOVE to run together, but it doesn't happen often, so we take advantage of it as much as possible. Not to mention, Mike has been nursing a stress fracture and was put off on the running for about 6 weeks, he is now back to running (yay!) but at low milage and a slow pace. It's all good. Better than no running! Anyway, I decided to go with him this afternoon. He is up to 2.5 miles. We took it slow and easy and ran at a 9:30 pace. Nothing fancy, just a jog. And man is it HOT outside!! Whoa. I am a hot and humid runner, I love the heat, but I have got to get myself use to it again! So, running with Mike is a easy way to break myself back into it. Sadly, I fought a cramp the entire run.. :( Not sure where that came from, maybe I didn't drink enough water???? I usually drink enough to fill an olympic size swimming pool!! Maybe it was the heat? It wasn't a side stitch, it was on the left side in the upper rib cage area. It started out pretty intense, then I realized it was not going away, and I was NOT about to stop. So, I focused really hard on the breathing, taking slow and deep breaths and it eventually eased up, but thank goodness that didn't happen last weekend during the Jubilee 8K!! Well, that's about all I have to say about today's run. Tomorrow is weights and I'm thinking of maybe a slow jog on the treadmill....We'll see!

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