Monday, July 5, 2010

A New ME! here goes. I love to run in the heat, the hotter, the better for me. I think I have said it a million and two times. Well, just so happens. That is not the smartest thing you can do. I guess, I was trying to prove to myself that if I can run in the extreme heat-----I can get in better shape, be more physically fit, and run faster--eventually. Turns out, the extreme heat can slowly dehydrate you to where your body's important electrolytes (Sodium, Potassium, Glucose, etc) are depleted and can cause major problems such as cardiac arrhythmia's, seizures and yes...DEATH. I had an episode at work the other day where I was walking down the hall to triage a patient, and I almost fell to the floor I became so dizzy and off balance. I finally collected myself, triaged the patient, and told our CRNP (who also runs on a regular basis) what happened. I asked if she could look in my ear, that I thought I may have some fluid in the inner ear causing my vertigo (dizziness). Well, the ER Physician came in and checked me out, and he lifted the skin on top of my hand and immediately asked.."Have you been running in this heat?" Of course I wanted to lie, but he has known me for many many years. I finally told him that I had been running in the heat of the day, BUT for only 45 minutes or so. He told me I had the skin of an 80 year old and that I was behind on my fluids, he went on to tell me what I mentioned above, although I already knew this from being a nurse. A hard headed, stubborn, foolish nurse/runner. I'm an IDIOT!!! What am I trying to prove? Why am I trying to kill myself slowly and painfully? The half marathon I am preparing for is October 2, 2010. I ran this race last year as well. And I remember the morning of my first HM very vividly. It was PERFECT weather. I could not have asked for better weather. And chances are, the weather will probably be the same this year. October in Montgomery, in the mornings are pretty mild. So, why am I trying to run in this heat, when my race will not be hot? Who knows? So needless to say, I ran 5 miles tonight at 7pm in 43 minutes. Felt good and ran at a pace I would like to do on 10/2/10 To me, running is not about how far you go, how fast you are, how you feel during the run, it's all about recovery to me. How good do you feel AFTER you run. I'm not aiming to run 7 min miles in my half marathon or any race at that matter. If I trained appropriately, and didn't work full time, didn't have a family to take care of and ONLY cared about myself. Yes, I could run 7 minute miles. I'm happy with myself just the way I am. I'm in better shape at 36 than I was at 16. I can run 13+ miles at one given time, when 8 out 10 people can barely WALK a mile. Now---take that!

Untitled by marsharn at Garmin Connect - Details

Untitled by marsharn at Garmin Connect - Details

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

100 degrees!

I love running in the heat. I love it love it love it. But, it's something I have to ease into. I just can't go outside and bust out a 4 mile run in 100 degree weather without doing short runs first. SO today, it was 101 on my car thermometer and I knew it was going to be tough, but it is something I have to tackle. So, I decided to superhydrate all day long at work to prep for this run outside. Had a pretty good day at work, left on time, came home to change and then drove over to the local park. I stretched out pretty good and off I went. The weather was tolerable. I was breathing great, no cramps , no knee pain and there was a hot breeze every now and then never. It took me longer to get home from work, get changed and to drive over to the local park than I expected. I completed 4 miles in 38 minutes which ended up being a good start for long runs in this massive heat! I wanted to do 5, but close to 4 miles, I started to develop a cramp in my lower right quadrant. Instead of fighting through the cramp as I normally do, I was not going to chance it. I had done 4 good solid miles in this heat, and I was happy. Not to mention, my chest is still sore from yesterday after doing chest/bi's on the weights. I think it was the cable crossovers that have me sore :)
Running with sore chest muscles is not alot of fun either. But, I am happy with today's 4 mile run in the heat!!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

It's been a while!!!

WoW! I haven't blogged in 21 days! Holy Smokes! Although, I have not posted any recent blogs, I'm still running, and pretty regular too. I guess I am not good at the blog thing yet, and I am a facebook addict, but who isn't this day and time.

SO, on to more important things, like a few of my recent runs. This past weekend, we went to Augusta (my hometown) for a wedding. And thanks to FACEBOOK, an organization called The Augusta Market posted something in reference to a 3, 5 and 8 mile run on saturday morning. Hmmmmmm. Hmmmmmm. Most of my family does not get up and about until, well, lunch time. And in order for me to continue my dedication, prepare for my half marathon, I needed to get a good long run in since sunday would be a travel day back to Montgomery. So, after 1 or 2 posts, I got the answers I needed. Be at The Augusta Market at 0700, and run starts at 0730. Now, remembering, I am on currently on CST, which meant, I would be up and moving am hour early. Regardless, I was going to do this run no matter what. The bonus part being, they marketed the 7-8 mile run as a "Two State Loop Run". Well being from Augusta, and it starting at the riverfront, I knew, that it would cross over into South Carolina since Augusta is right on the savannah river. All I could think about is, "How cool would it be to run in 2 states in the same run?" Freaking Awesome. It does not take much to excite me.
So, I show up at 0700 and didn't see any people of the "like". So after a few minutes of walking around, a few guys got out of their car and they were of "the like". I introduced myself and they welcomed me with open arms. Very very friendly bunch of people. And I did meet up with an ole pal from highschool who is also my friend on FACEBOOK. She even said to me, that she knew I was coming into town, and wasn't sure if I would be able to come run, but she said she was glad I made it.
The run was 7 miles, it was not too hot, and most of the run was in shady areas. I am so glad that I found out about this little adventure. It was great to get out and run with new people and see new scenery. For some reason, I thought the long route was 8 miles, and I was mentally prepared for 8, but we missed a turn somewhere along the way and the course ended up being 7 miles....Fine by me!! If I can run 7, I can run 8!!!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Today on the Treadmill

Today was a run day, obviously, since I am writing this post. However, on monday, wednesday and friday's I do full body workouts with weights, a semi circuit training. I also do the Arc trainer on these days too for about 30 mins. This seems to be working well. So, on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday's I usually run. Today, I went to the gym to run on the treadmill. I like to run outside, but I am not a fan of running in the neighborhood when Mike is not at home. Not that my neighborhood is bad, however, it is STILL Montgomery. Running on the treadmill is not favored by many. For various reasons I have heard over and over again. The number 1 reason being, BOREDOM. Others being, the treadmill does the work for you, the treadmill hurts my knees or gives me shin splints, or I like to look at the great outdoors to on and on and on. I take what I can get. The treadmill is not boring to me AT ALL. I find it quite amusing. I am a people watcher, and I get quality time people watching while I run on the treadmill. I even laugh out loud sometimes!! :) As for it doing 90% of the work for you and you get better training on the ground, that is a bunch of BS! If you are moving and sweating, you are getting the job done. I did over 50% of my half marathon training on a treadmill, and I did pretty damn good for my first half marathon. So, enough on my treadmill soapbox. I set out to run 45 minutes at a slow and easy pace....Here again, working on endurance. I completed 5 miles in 44:50. I felt great, was very sweaty and the Brooks running shoes seemed to do fine for me on the treadmill. I missed yesterday's workout altogether because it was Memorial Day and I had to work. Not to mention, we went out to dinner with some of our neighbors. I am ready to hit the weights tomorrow.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Long Run Sundae!!!

Generally, when people are training for half marathons or full marathons, most utilize a training schedule that guides them into preparing for the race. And most schedules allow for long runs on sundays. And each week, on sunday, you gently increase your milage. Today, instead of doing my usual 6 miles, I added 1 mile. Also, these long runs on sunday are not meant for speed or personal records, just a slow paced run for distance. I decided last night after feeling so crappy because of all the junk food I ate that I would venture out early morning for my run. If I didn't go early, I may not go :) So, shortly after my coffee and bowl of oatmeal, I laced up my shoes, threw on my running clothes, grabbed my Garmin and iPod, and out the door I went. It was a breezy, overcast, humid morning. But the cool breeze allowed me not to really notice the humidity. Although, the humidity does not bother me, it actually helps me breathe easier. So, my usual 6 mile route that I run, I did it in reverse this morning, while adding some streets into the mix, just to increase my milage. The Garmin REALLY helps with this. It helped me do exactly 7 miles while finishing at my driveway!!! I'm not a fan of backtracking or passing my house, because once I see my house, it's over!! Another good thing about the Garmin is it telling my my time splits. When I uploaded it my computer, to see my splits, each mile was 9:40 or 9:43. So all seven miles were an even pace the entire run, which is the ultimate goal for long runs. Nothing fancy, just working on endurance. I don't really have slow pace or a fast pace. I have my pace and I have a race pace. Whether, I am running 4, 6 or 7 miles, I usually run a 9 min pace. Overall, the run felt great, I had no cramps, no pain, no breathing issues, and my Brooks shoes seem to be doing fine. I'm hoping to get in 4 miles tomorrow, as it will round the month off with 70 miles for the month of May!!! Yay!

Thankfully, I did the run mid morning, as it stormed and rained after lunch for the remainder of the afternoon!! :0
Hope everyone has a Happy Memorial Day tomorrow......I have to work :(

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Man is it hot outside.....

Happy Day, O Happy Day!!!! :) Today, I was off work! O Happy Day O Happy Day!!!! I spend most of the morning straightening up the house, washing a few clothes, etc. Mike and I went to lunch together as we usually do when I am off work and the little one is at school :) !! I decided that I would run outside today with Mike before we went to get Michael Robert. Mike and I LOVE to run together, but it doesn't happen often, so we take advantage of it as much as possible. Not to mention, Mike has been nursing a stress fracture and was put off on the running for about 6 weeks, he is now back to running (yay!) but at low milage and a slow pace. It's all good. Better than no running! Anyway, I decided to go with him this afternoon. He is up to 2.5 miles. We took it slow and easy and ran at a 9:30 pace. Nothing fancy, just a jog. And man is it HOT outside!! Whoa. I am a hot and humid runner, I love the heat, but I have got to get myself use to it again! So, running with Mike is a easy way to break myself back into it. Sadly, I fought a cramp the entire run.. :( Not sure where that came from, maybe I didn't drink enough water???? I usually drink enough to fill an olympic size swimming pool!! Maybe it was the heat? It wasn't a side stitch, it was on the left side in the upper rib cage area. It started out pretty intense, then I realized it was not going away, and I was NOT about to stop. So, I focused really hard on the breathing, taking slow and deep breaths and it eventually eased up, but thank goodness that didn't happen last weekend during the Jubilee 8K!! Well, that's about all I have to say about today's run. Tomorrow is weights and I'm thinking of maybe a slow jog on the treadmill....We'll see!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


I have just created this blog to "journal" about my passion for running. I'm not good at this sort of thing, but hopefully in time, I will become a little more experienced! For today, I did not run! :( Today was a weight training and Arc trainer day! I ran over 6 miles yesterday outside in my neighborhood. I am currently trying to "acclimate" myself back to the hot and humid weather.
